Saturday, July 21, 2012

Day 5 cont'd - My First Asparagus and the Sweet Potato Fiasco

Oh boy, oh BOY, I just had to jot a quick note...

Tonight I cooked dinner...

...which I typically (prepare for a small tirade) do not like to do because I am lazy, uninterested, scared that it will taste like crap...whatever.

I CAN cook.

And the things I do, I do very well; but I am the baker in our house, HE'S the cook.

But tonight I wanted to surprise him with dinner; my poor Papi, working so hard to meet deadline.


I was at the grocery store today, picking up some more healthy YUMS and I happened across the asparagus section.

Now, I LOVE asparagus. MMMmmmmmmMMMMmmm MMM!

But I am picky about how it's cooked. Not mushy, not tooooo al dente. Just right.


Well, I bought some of that ol' asparagus, honestly thinking that HE would figure it out because that's what he does; hops online and in an hour we are dining ROYALE!

But as I traversed my day, I realized that I wanted to cook dinner tonight. I wanted to try to cook the asparagus. I've never, in all my 40 years, attempted to cook asparagus...

What in H E double hockey sticks is WRONG with me?

Don't answer that, we don't have time (it's movie night, ya know?).


So I went online, searched for the easiest (not going to lie) way, simply because it WAS my first time and I didn't want to mess it up too badly.

Long story just a tiny bit longer?

I made asparagus for the first time EVER.

And it was GOOD! I could just be saying that but Papi said it was, and I liked it; so anyone else would simply be out voted - besides, we ate it all up!

Chicken, roasted asparagus, and mashed sweet potatoes (gluten free, BTW).


Oh, and about the sweet potato fiasco?

Yah, I thought that a 1/2 cup wouldn't be enough. I had plenty of calories left for the day and so I loaded a whole cup onto my plate.

And then I promptly took half right back off and saved myself 110 calories!

Here's Dinner:

...before I removed the excess sweets.

I'm full, he's full, and I am feeling pretty darn proud of myself; not gonna lie!

and what's this all weigh in at?

297 calories!

Yep, I know. SWEET!

Now to figure out what to do with 1100 extra calories - mmMMmm, celery and peanut butter anyone?

Okay, gotta run; it's my turn to choose the movie, tonight!

Till next time!

Day 5 - Short 'n' Sweet and Oh So GOOD!

HAPPY Saturday to you!!

And what a GREAT Saturday this is starting out to be...

I'm up early today because I have lots to do and I just want to 'git 'er dun'! That way, I can enjoy some down time later, YAY!

So, first up this morning, another weigh in - I TOLD you that this would be a daily thing for the next little while, bear with me!

I woke up this morning, not feeling anything toward the scale. I couldn't tell today if I was up or down. THAT made me a little nervous but I couldn't NOT get on the scale, either.

CONQUERING my fears, I am.

And my reward for doing so?

2.4 pounds DOWN!

YAY. that's not a reward simply for stepping on the scale. I really have been such a good girl these first four days.

6.4 pounds down total. Now THAT'S a nice reward for being such a good girl. YAY!

It's also why this post is short 'n' sweet this morning.

Of to the gym to do my homework (yes, my trainer gave me homework this weekend AND I'm excited about it...weird but GOOD).

Then groceries and...blah blah blah.

You know, Saturday stuff.

Enjoy the day, enjoy your life, and keep on keepin' on!

Till next time!


Starting Weight: 306.4
Goal Weight: 150
Today's Weight: 300
Total Lost to Date: 6.4

© 2012 Dear Diary, I'm Fat...Now What?
