Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Day 85 - Three Months In, Let's See Those Numbers!

It is so crazy to think that 3 months ago I weighed more than 300 pounds. 306.4 to be exact. I had reached a place in my life where I knew that it was time...

Time to get myself together and to stop SAYING I was going to do this, to stop saying I was GOING to lose weight, to get healthy, to change my life...

It was time to DO.

And so I did.

For the last 3 months I have been traveling a road that has been bumpy and smooth, curvy and straight.

AWEsome and not so...

And here we are. 3 whole months in. Where am I at?

Month 3 RECAP - drum roll please:

Month One:

Starting Weight: 306.4

Pounds Down: 17.2

Inches LOST: 12.5

My Month One Done Weight: 289.2

Month Two: 

Starting Weight: 289.2

Pounds Down: 13.4

Inches LOST: 13

Total Inches LOST: 25.5

My Month Two 'n' Through Weight: 275.8

Month Three: 

Starting Weight: 275.8

Pounds Down: 5.2

Inches LOST: 11.75

Total Inches LOST: 37.25

My Month Three Look at ME Weight: 270.6


In 84 days I have lost an amazing 35.8 pounds and 37.25 inches all over. I am slightly off my 1/2 pound per day loss but I'm still pretty stoked.

Month three was hard for me. (As we ALL know, because I whined about it enough, lol. But seriously...)

I took some time over the last few days to really think about what I'm doing and how far I've come and WHERE I want to be in 9 months and guess WHAT?

I feel that pride again. I feel like I've DONE something. I KNOW I can DO this.

As I head into Month 4, I am re-focused, re-energized, and re-committed to reaching the end of this healthy - mind, body, and spirit - journey.

I have had an amazing roller coaster ride so far and I yes, I can actually see down the road a bit as it is straight and true.

I do also hope the same for you, going forward. May we all live healthy and happy. There is simply no other way to be.

Till next time!

...where it'll be a fun WORD of the DAY type of post, YAY!


Our Virtual Trip(s)

Michele: 10.5 miles

Anna: 210 miles

Sandi: 126.27 miles

Debbie: 76 miles

Kathy: 122.63 miles

Stephanie: 157.56 miles


My October Goals:

Walk 130 miles - 24.77 = 105.23 miles to go!
Swim 20 hours - 30 minutes = 18 hours, 30 minutes to go! The heater is still not right!
Post Daily at My Fitness Pal - YES!
Eat at home 25 dinners - 5 down, 20 to go!
Hit 50 pounds down - 14.2 pounds to go!
Reward with the much coveted compression suit - Only 14.2 pounds to go!


Starting Weight: 306.4
Goal Weight: 150
Today's Weight: 270.6
Total Lost to Date: 35.8

Not to Shabby, Much Less Flabby, YAY!