Monday, August 20, 2012

Day 35 - Can't Blame McD's for THIS Mess

34 days.

34 freakin' days.

34 of the best (and worst) days of my life.


Today marks the end of week 5 in my weight loss journey and while I wasn't celebrating any successes, last night, I sure did make a mess of things.

Yesterday was one hot mess ALL day long but I could have pulled it out at the end...

And I didn't.

Instead, I gave in to a rare craving for the salty "goodness" that McDonald's provides by way of their double cheeseburger.

Only I ate two.

But I only had about 15 fries, she says, whining a teensy bit. Yah, because I stuffed them into the stupid (yep, I said stupid) cheeseburgers and gobbled them all up.


And this was all done late last night, after imbibing with a couple of my favorite tall drinks.

It wasn't the alcohol that fueled my desire for McD's.

It sure as heck wasn't the knowledge that I was going to wake up feeling like crap and hating the scale this morning.

Poor scale.

I don't know what it was. Except that it's been 34 freakin' days and I had HAD it with healthy.

Do skinny folks go crazy sometimes and attack greasy food the way I did, last night?

I don't know. It's been a long time since I've been ANY kind of skinny.

Now what?

I've gotta shake this off. I have to weigh in for my 5 weeks tomorrow and I cannot allow this to drag me under.

A momentary lapse in judgement.

I only know what has happened in the past when I've given in to such craziness. I will not allow that to happen this time. I have too much at stake and I've already come too far to turn back. I don't know if others OVER analyze poor food choices.

I do. Because if I didn't think about or understand the ramifications of my actions, I would most certainly be right back up over 300.

And THAT is NOT going to happen.

Here's to day 35 - I've got this. Moving forward, not sideways, and certainly not backwards.

Bring it, day 35, let's DO this!

Till next time!


August 100 Miles Challenge Update: 

Sandi: 48.82 miles

Anna:  39.5 miles

Kathy: 65.71 miles

Steffie: 46.95 miles 

Bernie: 4.3 miles


Remember, if you want me to track your miles for August, just shoot me a note and I will add you to the blog. If you are here already and I've got your numbers wrong, just shoot, no, just let me know and I'll change it. I'm good with that. Cheers!


Starting Weight: 306.4
Goal Weight: 150
Today's Weight: 288.2
Total Lost to Date: 18.2

Feet of Shame


I am a work in progress, always. Sometimes I stumble, but I always get back up. The hard part is knowing which direction to turn. If I go THAT way, I know I will fail. This time, I'm going THIS way. It's a new direction for me and I will NOT fail. Cheers!
