Sunday, August 26, 2012

Day 41 - The Week at a Glance

OH YAY! Today I am going to share with you where I'll be for the next week.



But first (clears throat)...

It is my pleasure to announce that one of our wonderful August Milers has reached her 100 miles in August goal. YYAYAYYAYAYYAYAAY

Congrats to Kathy for going the extra mile (pun intended) this month and rocking it out in less than 31 days. I can't wait to see Kathy's end number as we still have 6 more days to walk our booties off. Congrats once again, and to all of us, walking toward change. We ROCK!

Now, back to the moving thing and just what the heck is happening next week.

We are moving (if you missed that first part up there...)...

And so, I will not be blogging for part of that time as we work toward getting everything moved, unpacked, set up, and settled.

Let's break down the coming week and then we'll all be on the same page, YAY!

Sunday: You are learning about the week ahead

Monday: A Post about Salads

Tuesday: My weekly Weigh In and Recap

Wednesday: ENJOY your time away because I won't be here, either.

Thursday: See Wednesday

Friday: See Wednesday and Thursday - unless I can get a Barb tip up quick, stay tuned.

Saturday: We should be back on track, depending on the two lil party girls I'll have in my charge that day. Either way, it'll be at least a quick post to introduce my September miles idea.


I haven't discussed much about our move, just snippets here and there; but I am so very excited about our future. We are moving downtown (I've never been a city girl) and into a high rise (never lived in that kind of fancy schmancy place, either). Mags is changing schools, Gary and I can walk to work, we get to swim all year round...

Needless to say (so I'm saying it again)...


Now, I want you all to enjoy your tiny break from being nosy here at my diary. But rest assured that when I get back, we are all going to kick it into high gear.

Believe that.

Till next time!


I will still be keeping track of miles while I am away. Please continue to get me your miles daily or every two days as you've been doing and I will add all together for the next time I post.



August 100 Miles Challenge Update: 

Sandi: 62.11 miles

Anna:  39.5 miles

Kathy: 101.10 miles

Steffie: 68.30 miles 

Bernie: 4.3 miles


Remember, if you want me to track your miles for August, just shoot me a note and I will add you to the blog. If you are here already and I've got your numbers wrong, just shoot, no, just let me know and I'll change it. I'm good with that. Cheers!


Starting Weight: 306.4
Goal Weight: 150
Today's Weight: 285.8
Total Lost to Date: 20.6

That's what I get for waking up at 3:30 AM :) 


I am a work in progress, always. Sometimes I stumble, but I always get back up. The hard part is knowing which direction to turn. If I go THAT way, I know I will fail. This time, I'm going THIS way. It's a new direction for me and I will NOT fail. Cheers!
